lost and found基本解释
失而复得; [法] 失物招领
异体字: lost-and-found
失而复得; [法] 失物招领
异体字: lost-and-found
1. 失物招领处
Lost and found is the place where lost property is kept.
2. 拾获的;捡获的;捡到的
Lost and found things are things which someone has lost and which someone else has found.
e.g. ...the shelf where they stored lost-and-found articles.
e.g. ...the local paper's lost-and-found column.
1. 失物招领处:是放到失物招领处(lost and Found)呢,逐是主动去找失主呢?逐有,没有钥匙,那么那辆牟肯定逐在附近没开走. Joey该怎么办......看来Joey和这个保时捷(Porsche)站在一起,不用费心思就能和美女搭上话,保时捷真是能给人带来好运呀.
2. 天涯海角:今天(3月11日,现在才贴出来)终于看到了久违了的一部片,天涯海角(Lost and found) 相比之下中文名更酷阿. 这部片是好久以前看过的,但是时隔这么多年,仍然那么感人.